
How much does shipping cost?

The costs for delivering your order free for all our customers.

When will my order arrive?

Orders will be shipped within 48 hours or less on all in stock items from Monday to Friday. You will receive an e-mail with track&trace code on the day that your order will be dispatched.
We aim to dispatch your order the same day or within 2 working days after depending on the time you place your order. Most orders will arrive within 2-7 working days. For the exact delivery time for your country, please contact us

Stylishstore does not process and does not deliver the Orders to the countries from OFAC list:

Who will ship my order?

All orders are shipped from our execution house – IDT S.p.A., Italy.

Do I have to pay Duties & Taxes?

All orders inside the European Union are free of duties or taxes. For all orders outside the European Union, you will be liable for all import duties, customs and taxes. These will be due at the point of, or after delivery. Please be aware that The Stylishstore does not have any control for any duties, customs and taxes levied by the country your order is being shipped to. We cannot advise you what the cost will be as these charges can vary according to country. Since these fees are not computed nor applied to orders by The Chesterfield Brand, please contact your local customs office to find out more information if you are unsure of the charges.